Serbia – Marija SERIFOVIC – Molitva – Eurovision 2007

serbia-marija-serifovic-eurovision.jpgParticipant: Marija ŠERIFOVIĆ

Song: Molitva


Composer: Vladimir GRAIĆ

Video and mp3:


Ni oka da sklopim,
postelja prazna tera san,
a život se topi
i nestaje brzo, k’o dlanom o dlan.

K’o razum da gubim,
jer stvarnost i ne primećujem,
još uvek te ljubim,
još uvek ti slepo verujem.

K’o luda, ne znam kuda,
ljubavi se nove bojim,
a dane, žive rane,
više ne brojim.

Molitva, kao žar na mojim usnama je,
molitva, mesto reči samo ime tvoje.
(I) Nebo zna, kao ja,
koliko puta sam ponovila,
to nebo zna, baš kao ja,
da je ime tvoje moja jedina

Al Bogu ne mogu
lagati sve dok se molim,
a lažem ako kažem
da te ne volim


Marija Šerifović
serbia-marija-serifovic-eurovision.jpg Marija Šerifović was born on November 14, 1984, in Kragujevac. Her family has been devoted to music for generations. Marija’s mother Verica Serifovic is a famous ethno-singer and her grandparents have performed the songs of the old city all their lives.

Marija dreamed of entering the world of music as a child. She knew that music would be her only occupation. She finished high school and music schools and studied management.

She made her first public performance at the age of 12 and attracted great attention due to her equisite voice and a song unusual for a girl of that age. To everyone’s surprise, she decided to sing a very demanding song – Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You”.

In 2003, her first solo album “Naj, najbolja” (“Simply the Best”) was released and that was the beginning of her music career. In 2003, she participated in the Budva Festival with the song “Gorka cokolada” (“Bitter Chocolate”) and in 2004 with the song “Bol do ludila” (“Unbearable pain”) which brought her the first prize. She is considered to be one of the most talented singers in this part of the world.

In 2005, she won the first prize at the Radio Festival with the song “U nedelju” (“On Sunday”). She has received a hatful of awards from juries, journalists and colleagues, the best interpretation awards and numerous special prizes in the neighbouring countries.

After these great accomplishments, Marija released the second album “Bez ljubavi” (“Without Love”). Her first solo concert held at the Sava Centre in Belgrade showed that she had become a real music star.

Marija Serifovic won the Serbian national final – Beovizija 2007. She received the highest score both in the semi-final and the final. She is one of the best female singers in Serbia. Her voice is filled with strong emotions and has an amazing range of expression.

Music is her life. Whenever she is on the stage, she feels immense love and happiness. Undoubtedly, that is the key to her success.

Back vocals

Ivana Selakov was born in Belgrade, on November 8, 1978. She grew up in Sombor where she was introduced to the world of music. She finished Lower Music School, participated in numerous singing competitions, performed at jazz and rock’n’roll clubs. In 1997, she started studying biology in Belgrade, but very soon she devoted herself to music. She has appeared as a soloist at several festivals – Radio Festival, Beovizija 2006, etc. She did vocal back-up for many popular artists.

Ksenija Milosević was born in Belgrade in 1982. She studied the violin in the class of professor Dejan Mihailovic and graduated from the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. In 2005, she received the M.A. degree. Ksenija has won many awards and performed as a soloist with prominent Serbian orchestras. Since 2001, she has been a deputy concertmaster of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. She has held the position of a concertmaster for two seasons. She participated in many international festivals with the ethno band “Ognjen and Friends”. In 2006, she sang the back vocals on Hari Mata Hari’s song which represented Bosnia& Herzegovina at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Ana Milenković was born in Belgrade, on April 19, 1980. She has appeared as a soloist at many festivals – Belgrade Spring (2000), Budva Festival (2001), Eurosong (2004) and Zrenjanin Festival (2004). In 2005, she joined the Blah Blah Band. They successfully participated in the Beovizija 2006 and 2007. In 2006, the band won the best newcomer award. She has worked with prominent musicians from Serbia and Montenegro. She did vocal back-up for the big pop star Zdravko Colic and a very popular singer Vlado Georgiev.

Sanja Bogosavljević was born in Belgrade, on June 28, 1979. She is an advanced student at the Faculty of Music Arts (Piano Class). At the age of ten, she participated in the festival “Children are singing hits” and finished second. She sang in the RTB Children’s Choir for a long time. Sanja was the member of the band “Divas” which took part in the Belgrade Spring Festival. She did vocal back-up for famous musicians. Sanja has been performing at various clubs in Belgrade with the Blah Blah Band for eight years. In 2006 and 2007, they successfully participated in the Beovizija Festival. They won the best newcomer award in 2006.

Suzana Dinić was born on June 1, 1986. At the age of 16, she enrolled in the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade and studied the piano. She performed her first solo concert when she was ten. At the concert in Ukraine, she was accompanied by the Lavovski Philharmonic Orchestra. She has won many awards at the national and international piano and singing competitions. Since 2003, she has been singing in the choir “Collegium Musicum” conducted by Darinka Matic Marovic.


Molitva is not the best song ever in this edition of Eurovision. I onestly think that this award with several diplomatic events are just another way to say we are sorry for the problems that you had and you have in the balcans. Seams that we forget that it is important to vote for a song that we like even if the song is performed by our neighborns that we don’t like. So Eurovision must remain or in this case to become a SONG CONTEST not a game for political reasons or good neighborhood.


muj bueno pero esta maria es lesbian a ella les gustan las mujeres no los ombres es una traisionera e stupida es mucho lesbian es ke asco uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu no lo puedo ni escutar la cantante por esa lesbian uuuuuuuuu

maria sos mas estupid


ti albanac da bog da crko i ti sto kazes da nismo zasluzili nismo pobedili bez razloga


What the people are saying? I Cant believe it…
You didnt Watched Kenan Dogulu – Shake It Up Shekerim???
Far Better….
Turkish singer must was first…
Balkans giving points to neighboors.. classical esc .. bah..


This was one of the crappiestsongs of the context. I was really surprised not only that it made it among the firsts…but that was also going to win…
I really can’t yet decide wich wan was better between the Georgian and the Bulgarian…(third russians fourth ciprus, fifth israel, sixth Turkey, Seventh Ukraine my personal rank).
But evidently this stuff still going (and me that i criticize my fellows italians that still likes melodic music.)

I hope that at least the text is not meaningless…
This song simply has nothing new to say on music.
Milan Kundera would lafn to this comments: he would call it coltural relativism 😀
Alberto (Italian from California)

Hug to all


marija ,svaka cast a posebno pratecem vokalu kseniji,ivani,ani,sanji i suzani jer su odradile posao da mi se kosa digla na glavi potpuno sam odusevljen celom nastupu i znam nase mogucnosti pevanja nisam ni sumnjao nijednog momenta da necemo pobediti samo ima dosta koliko vidim ljubomornih ljudi ovde kao i na svim forumima ali za vas ljubomorne:zasto jednom u zivotu ne budete BRE realni nemogu da verujem
pozdrav mariji i onim prelepim devojkama od dragana


Alberto, cover with your ears… Marija had the best song on Eurovision… Neighbours?! All countries have neighbours, so what… Well, What with Ukraine- Sieben Ein Zwei Bla Bla Bla… What is that? Song??? Better watch your jobs and don’t put your fingers everywhere… Albanians, fuck off…